编辑器/功能拓展 Any Sync 1.06 同步

本帖最后由 皆大欢喜 于 2022-8-13 16:15 编辑

QQ截图20180925151412.png 8b77e4c1-17db-443e-abf0-b2610f73fc0e_scaled.jpg 36668657-b252-40e1-84e0-e46d967449ac_scaled.jpg

This asset helps to synchronize movement through the network. It's creating accurate keyframed motion by pushing new positions into a buffer and interpolating through them. It focuses on minimizing latency and resisting lag spikes by using extrapolation.
Documentation Link, Forum Link.

Key features:
- Contains examples for Photon PUN, PUN 2, UNet HLAPI and WebSockets (with a sample networking built on websocket-sharp to help you get started).
- Works with any networking as long as you can write code.
- It's very accurate and fast. Many other tools struggle to represent movement accurately or add too much latency.
- Made with flexible send rate in mind. Allows to send nothing while object is idle to fit within tight network limitations.
- Great for syncing physics, character controllers, vehicles - everything what moves. Works for both predictable and unpredictable movement.
- Able to fully compensate latency for racing games. You can sync velocity and acceleration to improve prediction results.
- Automatically switches between interpolation and extrapolation to resist bad network conditions.
- It's flexible. Easy to implement exactly what you're looking for.
- No garbage allocation.
- Supports 3D and 2D. Examples provided for both cases.
- Full source code. Well-commented and easy to understand.

2022-8-9 21:31 上传
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Any Sync 1.06 同步
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