完整项目 Ultimate Match-Three 1.0f 商业级卡通益智三消游戏源码

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Ultimate Match-Three engine is most powerful Match-Three engine for Unity, that you ever seen. It contains not only classic Match-Three gameplay, but Match-Chain and Match-Click mechanics too. These is three most popular gameplay in this ganre.
The project has many possibilities for customization. There is powerful Level Editor, which supports an extentions - simple abstract classes, that allows to add new functionality in the editor. It will be useful, if you decide to create new content for this game, such as new type of bombs, new level target or even new match-three gameplay. Now it is pretty easy, because the source code became very clear and flexibility.
It also has a very beatiful cartoon graphics, that were made by a professional. And simple and structured UI system, which allows to research it and replace if necessary. The level map looks alive because of parallax effect.

2022-8-10 09:26 上传
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Ultimate Match-Three 1.0f 商业级卡通益智三消游戏源码
本地下载 提取码: egmr

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