完整项目 Contrast Tunnel Survival 1.0 隧道生存

QQ截图20180512104200.png 8c734e8f-1cd6-4684-9710-6377adf2efb2_scaled.jpg 0650ce73-f790-46bd-a2bb-9baee8e14e79_scaled.jpg 27923321-5d0d-42cd-8ec0-0013e532f3d5_scaled.jpg e8e70885-1920-4514-8200-1496c11ff13c_scaled.jpg

Contrast is a complete arcade game template which is ready to release.
Features: * Complete, ready to release project. * World curvature vertex shader included. * Extensively commented, clear C# code. * Optimised for mobile and standalone. * Touch and keyboard input. * Infinite, procedural levels. * Easy to modify with full instructions.

For those who want to dig a little deeper there is documentation guiding you through the creation of your own tunnel variations.

2022-8-10 10:20 上传
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Contrast Tunnel Survival 1.0 隧道生存
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