3D场景 Restaurant Interior 1.1餐厅内部场景道具模型

本帖最后由 仓库小力巴 于 2022-3-19 13:57 编辑

Restaurant Interior 1.1餐厅内部场景道具模型

Restaurant Interior 1.1

Restaurant Interior 1.1

Interior of a restaurant that can also be a cafeteria with a total of 85 different models. Inside the restaurant you can find lots of objects and furniture of a real restaurant. There are two types of tables, four types of chairs, a wooden bar, three types of lamps, decoration... All the models are low-poly to be used in games and applications.

- 1 Demo - Camera
- 85 Models and prefabs / low poly
- Average model poly between 200 - 5000.
- Textures png format (1024 x 1024)
- Real scale of the models

2022-3-19 13:55 上传
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