编辑器/功能拓展 MapMagic 2 Bundle 2.1.9 地图创建编辑工具

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MapMagic 2 Bundle 2.1.9 地图创建编辑工具

MapMagic 2 Bundle 2.1.9

MapMagic 2 Bundle 2.1.9

Full MapMagic 2 asset together with four default modules that turn it from terrain tool to full-scale world creator: Objects, Splines, Biomes and Brush . Made to simplify downloading, installation and update. Helps to avoid compatibility issues between modules with different versions. The summary price of all modules and the price of this asset are equal.
完整的 MapMagic 2 资产以及四个默认模块,将其从地形工具转变为全面的世界创建者:对象、样条线、生物群落和画笔
The Bundle also brings clarity to correlation with MapMagic World Generator: this is the next iteration of MapMagic: it can do everything MMWG can, even more, even faster - except Voxeland nodes.

MapMagic is a node based procedural and infinite game map generator. Can create a playable and nice-looking terrain of any size in a couple of minutes with the help of graph and nodes workflow. Also supports creating endless maps by generating new terrains in playmode. Modules, included in Bundle, can place objects, biomes and roads.

Each node on a graph represents a terrain or object generator: noise, voronoi, blend, curve, erosion, etc. Once the nodes are connected the magic happens: a game map will be created without any human involvement.

Has special nodes to work with (however due to irrespective eventual asset changes and variety of features and modules 100% compatibility is not guaranteed): CTS, MegaSplat, MicroSplat, Vegetation Studio Pro. And in pinned (non-dynamic) mode: with all of the assets using standard Unity terrains.

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260 MB
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