编辑器/功能拓展 Uni Bullet Hell 1.5.3 游戏飞机子弹发射击


"Uni Bullet Hell" is 2D bullet hell's shot pattern system for Unity.

You can create various bullet patterns simply by adding script component of shot patterns.

*You can set 2D sprites or 3D models for bullet prefabs.

*Customizable a various bullet param in inspector.
bullet num, bullet speed, angle, accel speed, accel turn, pause and resume time, nWay, spiral num, call back, delay, random, paint, aim target, etc...

*Pooling system of bullet GameObject.

*Sample shot patterns of 57 kinds are included.

*X-Y axis and X-Z axis support.

*All script source file (C#) is included.

*Example scene of full game is included.

*Works on mobile (iOS, Android).

*Supports object pooling system of
"Core GameKit" or "Pool Boss"
(Dark Tonic Inc.)

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Uni Bullet Hell 1.5.3 游戏飞机子弹发射击
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