纹理/着色 Fast Mobile Planar Reflection 1.3 快速实时平面反射


Works with Unity versions higher than 2017.1.0f
LWRP works only with Unity versions higher than 2019.1.0f1
URP works only with Unity versions higher than 2019.3.0f3

VR works for single pass and multi pass rendering

Fastest Solution on the market.

NOTE!!! If you are using planar reflection for PC, in case of usage Normal maps for planar reflected plane's material - set it as DEFAULT texture(by default unity will try to set its type as Nomral map)

*Unity Fogs supported
*URP/LWRP now support additional lights
*Shadows added
*Blurry Reflections
*Masking - to reflect certain areas

This asset consists of shaders for applying the Real-time Planar Reflection to the scene. The quality was one of the most main goals during the development, despite that, the main focus was targeted towards the performance on mobile devices.

Note that the effect works only in runtime. Additionally, as it follows from the name, the effect works properly with plane objects


* Unlit - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Unlit shader.
* Diffuse VertexLit - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Diffuse shader, where the most of the calculations are made on vertex shader.
* Specular VertexLit - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Specular shader, where the most of the calculations are made on vertex shader. Note that the specular map should be in Alpha channel of the Main Texture.
* Diffuse PixelLit - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Diffuse shader, where the most of the calculations are made on fragment shader.
* Specular PixelLit - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Specular shader, where the most of the calculations are made on fragment shader. Note that the specular map should be in Alpha channel of the Main Texture.
*Bumped Diffuse - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Bumped Diffuse shader. Distort Amount value used to distort the reflecation by the Normal Map applied to the plane
*Bumped Specular - Modified and optimized version of standart mobile Bumped Specular shader. Note that the specular map should be in Alpha channel of the Main Texture. Distort Amount value used to distort the reflecation by the Normal Map applied to the plane

The shaders were tested on the test scene running on the low-end device Meizu M2 Note. During the tests, there was just a minor difference between the built-in mobile shaders and the shaders with the reflection. It ran between 50-55 fps on the scene containing:
-30 different gameObjects,
-27 different Materials,
-22 different Textures,

2022-4-19 17:00 上传
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