编辑器/功能拓展 Bakery - GPU Lightmapper 1.1 unity3d asset 灯光线场景照明烘培系统

本帖最后由 仓库小力巴 于 2022-5-26 16:35 编辑


要求Unity 5.6.0 或更高版本。
Bakery is a high-end, production-ready, hassle-free GPU lightmapper, designed as an alternative to Enlighten and Progressive.

NOTE: Requires modern Nvidia GPU (6xx or newer) and 64-bit Windows (7 or higher)
Tested on Unity 5.6 and 2018.1.x

- Physically correct baked lighting. All results were compared against Mitsuba offline renderer.

- Performance: uses GPU for ray-tracing.

- Uses NVidia AI Denoiser to remove noise, powered by deep learning.

- Fixes common baking artifacts, such as lighting leaks and UV seams.

- Global Illumination (supports custom shaders).

- Sky lighting (HDRI or color).

- Emissive textured meshes.

- IES Lights.

- Directional, point, spot light sources.

- Materials: supports albedo, emissive, opacity.

- Can produce both complete and indirect lightmaps, or even mix both per-light.

- "Render selected" button.

- Light probes.

- Automatic atlas packing.

- Supports Mesh Renderers and Terrains.

Things that are not supported yet, but being worked on:
- Directional lightmaps (bump, specular)

- Shadowmask

- LODs

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