完整项目 Drawing & Coloring (Extra Edition) 1.1.2


Extra Drawing And Coloring Package.
Pick up the tools in the bottom to draw on Screen and paint the Characters. Use the Hand Tool to Zoom/Pinch Zoom & Drag the picture.

Key Features

- Tools List :
1. Pencil
2. Crayon
3. Brush
4. Paint
5. Paint Roller
6. Paint Can
7. Sparkle
8. Stamp
9. Eraser
10. Hand

- 17 Built-in Characters
- Advertisements Manager
- Admob Integration
- ChartBoost Integration
- Unity Ads Integration
- Bezier Path option for Smooth Lines
- Zoom IN/OUT & Pinch Zoom
- Web Screenshot Print & Export
- Ability to Undo/Redo
- Shapes Manager
- Singleton Manager
- 14 Colors and you can add more
- Trash with Confirm Dialog
- Mouse and Touch Cursor
- LineRenderer based
- 2D Sprites Used
- 14 Sprites per Tool
- Scrollable Lists
- Scrollable shapes selector
- Temp Draw saving between Shapes
- Commented source code in C#
- Landscape Orientation
- Mobile support IOS & Android
- Package Manual

2022-7-15 18:41 上传
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Drawing & Coloring (Extra Edition) 1.1.2
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