粒子/特效 Volumetric 3D Lasers 1.2 游戏魔法激光冲击波粒子特效

本帖最后由 皆大欢喜 于 2022-8-13 15:51 编辑

QQ截图20180719112045.png 9b4f09fd-2919-498c-af91-abb23d88d3d3_scaled.jpg 439ddc18-10fd-4afb-8675-e495c8fb3b42_scaled.jpg 940b4333-ad35-40ac-81f3-19cc0878f53c_scaled.jpg 80012d7a-51c5-4edf-9576-0327acebb605_scaled.jpg 0102846a-29e5-4d94-a482-e8bdacf02d96_scaled.jpg fbe5918d-43fb-4f4e-8892-effeda12ce4e_scaled.jpg

Customisable Volumetric 3D Laser System. It will fit perfectly almost in any game, stylized or realistic one. All parts and layers of lasers can be tweaked as you like. Tons of properties, so you can create your own unique looking effect. There are also prefabs for custom particle effects, explosions, and distortions.

- 10 Complete VFX Prefabs
- 50+ Laser Layers and Parts Prefabs
- 5 Sound FX
- Frame Blending shaders
- Distortion shaders
- Some creative Sci-fi style shaders
- Dissolve shaders
- Linear and Gamma ready
- Fantasy Staff, Platform, and Rock models
- Color Tint and Gradient Ramp variants
- Sci-fi Drone model
- Tessellation and non-Tessellation variants

2022-8-10 02:11 上传
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Volumetric 3D Lasers 1.2 游戏魔法激光冲击波粒子特效
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