粒子/特效 Character Respawn FX 1.1 角色人物重生传送特效

本帖最后由 皆大欢喜 于 2022-8-13 15:47 编辑

QQ截图20180906143024.png 5e68b373-f588-40de-b723-25a7f815131f_scaled.jpg 914f6003-37d3-4217-a0d4-0dcbc4b9f3fe_scaled.jpg 88136d2e-c000-4e4f-92ab-7452d8be42f4_scaled.jpg fff19c7c-5917-4e86-ae61-28979aa607b4_scaled.jpg

A collection of dramatic effects to add dynamic respawn effects to your character models.

Three effects are included: smoke, teleport and lightning, each created with a complex combination of effects such as video particles, dynamic lights, smoke, sparks and sound effects, each controlled with a custom script.

The effects have been designed to work with any character and detailed instructions are provided to help you implement this.

2022-8-10 03:34 上传
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Character Respawn FX 1.1 角色人物重生传送特效
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