编辑器/功能拓展 InGame Code Editor 1.1.3

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Requires TextMesh Pro
InGame Code Editor is an advanced input field for Unity that makes use of TextMesh Pro to display syntax highlighted code. Much of the inspiration for the syntax highlighting is taken from notepad++ and as a result it is extremely customizable allowing you to add syntax highlighting support for new languages.

Please note that IGCE is an advanced input field and not a fully featured text editor. Features such as menu bars and tool bars will need to be added manually if required.

-Very easy to use. Just drop the prefab into your scene and customize
-Full text editing features that you would expect
-Includes optional line numbers column
-Fully customizable editor themes
-Includes 3 pre-set themes: Light, Dark and Terminal
-Fully customizable syntax highlighting
-Highly optimized lexer for quick syntax highlighting of large text
-Supports syntax highlighting of keywords, symbols, numbers, comments and quote strings
-Keyword groups mean that you can highlight keywords in different colors
-Build in syntax highlighting support for C# (multiple), Lua, MiniScript and JSON
-You can easily add support for additional syntax highlighted languages
Supports basic auto indentation using opening and closing tags
-Fully commented partial C# source code included
-Comprehensive .chm documentation of the API for quick and easy reference

Highlighted Languages
-C# - (2 different themes)

需要TextMesh Pro
InGame Code Editor是Unity的高级输入字段,它使用TextMesh Pro来显示语法高亮显示的代码。语法高亮显示的大部分灵感来自notepad++,因此它非常可定制,允许您添加对新语言的语法高亮显示支持。




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